EDP Sciences and TIB renew German national APC agreement for 2022

EDP Sciences continues to offer special rates on publication fees for authors

EDP Sciences and TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology have renewed their joint Open Access-Agreement for 2022, offering attractive discounts on publication charges for articles by corresponding authors affiliated with academic institutions across Germany. Under previous terms of the agreement, the number of researchers benefitting from the discounts has risen from 13 in 2019 to over 30 in 2021, representing an increase of 130 percent over three years.

Commitment to more Open Access

EDP Sciences offers a 20 percent discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for those journals in the portfolio that are financed through APCs. Information on the participating journals, conditions and the title-specific fees can be found here.

EDP Sciences is highly committed to furthering Open Access Publishing with parts of their portfolio also running under the Subscribe-to-Open (“S2O”) model and other journals allowing authors to determine the article fee themselves (“Liberty APC”). EDP Sciences policy of supporting Open Science also surfaces in the flipping of subscription titles to fully OA titles.

One recent example is the journal Mechanics & Industry (and its archives), which has transitioned to Open Access in January 2021. Mechanics & Industry acts as an interface between research and industry by coordinating and disseminating the results of scientific and technical research in the field of mechanics in close relation to industrial applications. The official journal of the Association Française de Mécanique (AFM) has been co-published with EDP Sciences since 2004 and is widely recognized and appreciated in its field.

As in previous terms, TIB in its role as the German National Library of Science and Technology takes responsibility for creating the corresponding contractual and licensing basis, so that researchers throughout Germany may have more affordable options to publish their work on an Open Access basis.

Next to the APC agreement, an agreement between EDP Sciences and TIB is in place, which offers attractive terms for the publication of conference proceedings in a variety of subject areas. Web of Conferences, managed by EDP Sciences, is an open access platform devoted to the publication of scientific conference proceedings. More information can be found at www.webofconferences.org.
