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Gender Affirmation. [2017]

CHAPTER 1 Facial Feminization Surgery: A Global Approach.
CHAPTER 2 Speech Modification.
CHAPTER 3 Top Surgery.
CHAPTER 4 Combined Hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, and Chest Reconstruction in Female-to-Male Transgender Patients.
CHAPTER 5 Male-to-Female Gender Affirmation Skin-Flap Vaginoplasty.
CHAPTER 6 Male-to-Female Gender Affirmation Colon Vaginoplasty: Total Laparoscopic Sigmoid Vaginoplasty.
CHAPTER 7 Female-to-Male Gender Affirmation Metoidioplasty.
CHAPTER 8 Female-to-Male Gender Affirmation Phalloplasty: Radial Forearm Free Flap.
CHAPTER 9 Anterolateral Thigh Flap Phalloplasty.
CHAPTER 10 Female-to-Male Gender Affirmation Phalloplasty: Latissimus Dorsi Flap.
CHAPTER 11 Testicular and Erectile Implants in Transmen After Phalloplasty.
CHAPTER 12 Management of Unfavorable Urologic Sequelae After Phalloplasty in Transgender Patients.
CHAPTER 13 Unfavorable Results and Complications in Phalloplasty Surgery.
CHAPTER 14 Medical Treatment of Adolescent Transgender Patients.
CHAPTER 15 Adult Hormone Therapy in Transgender Patients.
CHAPTER 16 Mental Health Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Children, Adolescents, and Adults.
CHAPTER 17 Sexual Health After Surgery for Transgender Individuals.
CHAPTER 18 Gender Expression and Image.
Gender Affirmation Medical & Surgical Perspectives.