Latest news from the Data Science & Digital Libraries Research Group

An interview with Vitalis Wiens about his doctoral thesis, his work at the TIB and his publication in the Open Access journal "Scientific Reports"

A Call for Participation

How do researchers currently see scholarly communication? That is what the TIB wanted to know in a survey – now the first results are available

TIB researcher about TIB's participation in the EU Hackathon #EUvsVirus

Auer is one of the top 100 scientists in Germany in the field of Computer Science & Electronics

An interview with Prof. (Univ. Simón Bolívar) Dr. María-Esther Vidal about the EU project PLATOON

How knowledge graphs can support the COVID-19 research

Innovative solutions for the challenges of the Corona crisis

Interested students can join

TIB-Director among the most influential scientists in his field worldwide

Our video shows how knowledge graphs can change the scholarly communication

TIB presents various AI projects at "Speed Dating"

Knowledge graphs make completely new connections of knowledge visible and facilitate researchers' access to the state of the art

Take part and help us to take a closer look at the current state of knowledge exchange in research

An interview with Britta Dreyer on ten years of DataCite: a success story around the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

The current issue of the TIB-News informs about Digital Object Identifier, ten years of DataCite and the TIB activities in the field of research data

The newly founded Competence Center at the Leibniz Joint Lab Data supports companies in Lower Saxony in terms of secure data exchange

Main topics were knowledge graphs and artificial intelligence

Interview with Dr. Markus Stocker about Open Research Knowledge Graphs (ORKG)

Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Sören Auer
