Latest news from the Open Science Lab

The two-day conference of the Lower Saxony OER portal twillo will focus on open, digital teaching materials

What we can learn from Mastodon for a more open research infrastructure

With our prototype TrenDTF Search we give an insight into the research and development of natural language processing

Seven episodes on the topic of ”Fediverse and Science” with Lambert Heller from TIB

HsH and TIB pool their expertise on research data, data science and the future-oriented development of scientific libraries

Seven episodes on the topic of ”Fediverse and Science” with Lambert Heller from TIB

Lambert Heller talks in the program "Breitband" about the consolidation phase of the Fediverse

Seven episodes on the topic of “Fediverse and Science” with Lambert Heller from the TIB

Mastodon instance opened – why FID BAUdigital offers a Fediverse service for civil engineering, architecture and urban studies

Seven episodes on the topic of ”Fediverse and Science” with Lambert Heller from TIB
