Aktuelles zu Open Access - Issue 34

Welcome to the 34th issue of "Aktuelles zu Open Access" for Leibniz Universität Hannover. We cover the latest developments in Open Access activities at Leibniz Universität Hannover and TIB, as well as general trends in the area of Open Access. This time, we would like to draw your attention to the new series entitled "Open Access Champions" on the TIB Blog, in which we introduce LUH members who have been particularly committed to open access.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to pass on this information to any interested colleagues.

TIB study on the effects of open access

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), TIB conducted a study entitled "Wirkungen von Open Access: Literaturstudie über empirische Arbeiten 2010-2021" (The Effects of Open Access: A Literature Review of Empirical Work from 2010 to 2021). The authors selected 61 particularly noteworthy studies from a total of 318 that empirically examined various effects of open access. Their study confirmed that there were several advantages of open access, such as increased use as well as a professionally and geographically more diverse readership. The study was also able to refute some negative claims in relation to the effects of open access

The B!SON open access journal recommendation tool: beta version now online

The beta version of B!SON, an open access journal recommendation tool, was launched recently. Based on parts of a manuscript, the tool suggests a list of suitable, reputable journals that researchers can use as a decision-making aid. The B!SON project team is happy to receive any feedback on the beta version at bisontibeu

CESAER white papers on Open Access

CESAER, an association representing Europe's leading technical universities, has published two white papers on open access. The first paper - "Successful implementation of Open Access strategies at Universities of Science & Technology" - describes the implementation of open access strategies at various member institutions. The second paper entitled "Open Access and conference papers in engineering disciplines" explores workflows that make conference publications in the engineering disciplines openly available and it calls on research institutions and funders to strive for the same open access standards for conference publications as for journals. In addition, CESAER signalled its support for the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access presented by cOAlition S and other funders.

EUA Open Science Agenda 2025

The European University Alliance (EUA) published the "Open Science Agenda 2025". The document outlines the association's priorities in this field, and describes the current context as well as challenges and developments in the field of open science envisaged in 2025.

The Budapest Open Access Initiative: 20th anniversary recommendations

The Budapest Open Access Initiative celebrated its 20th anniversary in February 2022. It commemorated the occasion by publishing new recommendations, building on the original declaration from 2002.

Report on publishing and open access in the humanities

Members of the "AuROA - Autor:innen und Rechtssicherheit für Open Access" project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, are currently developing contract templates for open access publications  and working to increase cooperation and standardisation in open access book publishing. The project also recently published findings from a survey and two workshops on stakeholders in the publication process in the humanities and social sciences.

Open access in astronomy

While the "green road" to open access has a long tradition in astronomy thanks to arXiv, the "golden road" has been far less travelled. However, three of the field's most important journals - The Astrophysical Journal, The Astronomical Journal, and Astronomy & Astrophysics - have recently changed to open access.

50,000 open access books in the Directory of Open Access Books

The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), an initiative launched in 2012, now includes over 50,000 open access books published in 90 languages by 560 academic book publishers, making them available and easy to find.

ChemRxiv Community Survey

ChemRxiv, the premier preprint server for chemistry, is asking for feedback via a user survey to better understand the views, needs and concerns of the scientific community it serves.

*** Open Access at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) and TIB  ***

Open Access Champions at LUH

In a new series entitled "Open Access Champions" on the TIB Blog, we present members of Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) who have been particularly committed to open access. We asked them five questions about their activities.

Open Science Festival Hannover

Germany's first Open Science Festival will take place in Hannover on 30 and 31 August 2022 and is organised by LUH and TIB. It will offer an exchange of ideas and insights on open science practices with national and international experts, as well as practical workshops and a marketplace with information about local and international initiatives and services. Registration is open until 15 June 2022.

EQUAP²: A survey to assess the quality assurance process of scientific publishers

Libraries require compliance with quality assurance processes on the part of publishers and journals to make decisions about acquisitions and open access funding. To support these decisions with empirical data, libraries need a broad database, which is currently being developed via an online survey of editors, reviewers and authors. EQUAP² is a collaborative project by TU9, an alliance of Germany's leading technical universities, as well as by Swiss university libraries.

Access to the survey for LUH members: https://www.soscisurvey.de/equap2/?r=luh

Open access advice by email

From now on, you can contact us with any questions about publishing and open access at publikationsberatungtibeu. Library employees can, of course, still be reached via their individual email addresses.

Past issues of "Aktuelles zu Open Access" can be found at: https://tib.eu/open-access-news

You can also find news on Open Access on the TIB Blog at: http://blogs.tib.eu/wp/tib/category/open-access/ (mostly in German)

