Latest news from the Visual Analytics Research Group

We are always looking for student assistants to support our research and teaching activities. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Ewerth.

Best Student Paper Award at JCDL 2022

The paper "Cross-Domain Multi-Task Learning for Sequential Sentence Classification in Research Papers" by Arthur Brack, Anett Hoppe, Pascal Buschermöhle, and Ralph Ewerth won the Best Student Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2022)

We are currently offering several PhD scholarships in the PhD networks LernMINT (LearnSTEM) and Responsible AI!

PhD positions in LernMINT:

PhD position in Responsible AI:

If you are interested, please contact Prof. Ewerth.

Nomination for Best Full Paper Award at ICALT 2020

The paper "A Recommender System For Open Educational Videos Based On Skill Requirements" by Mohammadreza Tavakoli, Sherzod Hakimov, Ralph Ewerth, and Gabor Kismihok has been nominated for competing the Best Full Paper Award at the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2020). 


Ceremony at the library: Professor Dr. Sören Auer officially welcomed as new Director

The first 100 days as Director of the TIB

100 days as Director of the TIB

Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in libraries

The Joint Lab Data Science & Open Knowledge explores new ways to access information in large databases

German Research Foundation (DFG) grants € 500,000 in funding for joint project between Paderborn University and TIB

Paper by TIB researchers accepted for publication at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2017)

Professor Dr. Sören Auer contributes to international conference on Linked Data and Semantic Web

Open-Access-Tage presentations permanently archived in AV-Portal and made freely available

Best Multimodal Paper Award for the paper „Estimating the information gap between textual and visual representations“
